Dear group, thanks to all who responded so quickly and came with 5
1) Unplug the networkcable and update from CD
2) Make a bootflop and update from there
3) Go into the ARC-console and upgrade from there from CD
4) exit and reboot from CD again
5) do separate updates
Update ARC
Update SRM
Laurie Zirkle came with the following explanation:
Turn off networking at the console mode or unplug your machine from the
before doing the firmware upgrade. Re-attach once done. For some
reason, it tries
to get that particular file from the network even if you are installing
from a CD or
floppy. It's not documented anywhere I could get my hands on (and I
read Release
Notes, etc. before doing this stuff). I had Compaq here and they
finally figured it
out be escalating it to an engineer.
Saturdaymorning I upgraded from bootflop and everything worked well!!
The original problem was that the firmwareupgrade for the AS1000A failed
ARC Updating to v4.58... Verifying v4.58... PASSED.
SRM open failure firmware filename 'srm_fw'
pkd0 Updating to A11... Verifying A11... PASSED.
Thanks again,
Kees Bol
Department for Information Management and Datacommunication (I&D)
Wageningen University, Dreijenplein 2, 6703 HB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone:+31(0)317-484715 Fax:+31(0)317-485360
Received on Sat Jul 31 1999 - 06:48:37 NZST