Yesterday, the top level dtlogin process went away. Logins with XDMCP
from a Reflection X server were no longer possible. A dtlogin process for
the console still existed and I was able to create a CDE session at the
console. However, after ending the CDE session, the console returned to
serial mode.
Killing off all dtlogin processes and an X process associated with the
console, then starting dtlogin with the -daemon option seems to have fixed
the problem. BTW there is a core file in the root directory from about
the time I first notices I could not connect.
Can anyone shed any light on what happened and why the top level dtlogin
process would just go away.
Bruce J. Senn Phone: (518) 388-6664
Senior System Manager FAX: (518) 388-6458
Union College Internet:
Schenectady, NY 12308 WWW:
Received on Fri Aug 06 1999 - 20:21:06 NZST