We have the following "problem".
When the script /sbin/init.d/httpd runs at boot time the umask
appears to be different then when i run the same script (as user root) at
run time.
At boot time the umask appears to be 077, at run time our default umask (for
root) is 022.
This effect leads to our problem: we use cgi scripts that create files.
After a reboot the created files have a protection rw-r--r--.
When httpd is stopped and started at run time it inherits a umask of
022 and the newly created files have a protection of rw------- (which
is what we want).
My question is:is the default umask at boot time indeed 077 ?
Maurice Steyvers, ICA, Universiteit Maastricht
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Received on Wed Aug 11 1999 - 09:55:11 NZST