SUMMARY: Warning about DS10 and KZPCM cards

From: John P Speno <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 10:15:47 -0400

[This isn't a real SUMMARY, since I didn't ask the question of the list.]

If you've got a DS10 system with any KZPCM* cards, be advised that there is
a bug in the driver for said cards. Your DS10 will eventually hang, and be
unresponsive in most ways (the RMC will still work, so you can power cycle

The good news is that Compaq has a patch which seems to fix this problem.
Refer to BLITZ: TD 2689.

*The KZPCM is the 2 port ultra scsi plus 10/100 NIC combo PCI card.
Received on Thu Aug 12 1999 - 14:18:21 NZST

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