SUMMARY: 8200 Boots to Single user mode

From: Bruce B. Platt <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 08:46:08 -0400

Thanks to Christian Mönch .......

He suggested I make sure that the console variable boot_osflags wasn't set
to S:

"in the srm console check the `boot_osflags' (or `bootosflags') setting.
It must not be `-flags S' (or `S') which will lead to single user mode.
Set it to an empty value or to the desired runlevel
Christian Mönch ......."
I took another look at the boot_oslfags using the
consvar -l command, saw that boot_osflags was set to 0 (zero), and then
used a consvar -s boot_osflags A 
command to set it properly,
Now it boots to nulti_user.
Thanks and regards
've never touched an 8200 before.  We just received one in trade from one
of our customers.
We loaded V4.0d + patchkit 3 on it, as well as TruCluster V1.5
When it boots, it stops at single user mode.  To get to multi-user mode
with netowrking, I've got to
either type ^d or init 3.
/etc/inittab looks identical to that of any other of our systems.
As do the console variables.  I.e, bootdef_dev, auto_action, boot_osflags,
Do any of you know why it might be stopping at run level s?
I'll summarize.
Thanks and regards
Bruce B. Platt, Ph.D.
Comport Consulting Corporation
78 Orchard Street, Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-236-0505  Fax: 201-236-1335, bruce_at_ bruce.platt_at_
Bruce B. Platt, Ph.D.
Comport Consulting Corporation
78 Orchard Street, Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-236-0505  Fax: 201-236-1335, bruce_at_ bruce.platt_at_
Received on Wed Aug 18 1999 - 12:48:00 NZST

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