Earlier today, well late yesterday actually, I posted a query with a problem
using vrestore to an advfs domain when booted from the dunix v4.0d cd (in
unix shell option). The original posting is shown at the end of this mail.
I received some amazingly fast responses, some within minutes of me posting.
This was great - thanks everybody.
I received replied from the following:
Barry Treahy [treahy_at_mmaz.com]
A. Mahendra Rajah, Systems Manager [A.Mahendra.Rajah_at_Meena.CC.URegina.CA]
Oisin McGuinness
Hall, Tyler J [hall_t_at_lxe.com]
Barry Treahy [treahy_at_mmaz.com]
Ernest Gronblom [GROER01_at_fallon-clinic.com]
Duncan Webbe [WebbeD_at_franklins.com.au]
Robert Mullley [genius_at_one.net.au]
I wont include all the comments. Most people mentioned the apparent
difference between /var/tmp/newusr & /tmp/newusr suggesting I check this.
This is correct though. That is how it is when booted from the CD.
Oisin McGuinness & Tyler hit the nail on the head. I have attached their
comments below.
To solve the problem I eventually did the following:
mfs -s 2048000 /tmp
mkdir /tmp/newusr
mount newusr_domain#usr /tmp/newusr
cd /tmp/newusr
vrestore -xf /dev/nrmt0h
And it was fine - worked a treat. Pitty I didnt find this during testing
Thanks everybody
Regards - Tony
Quotation: "Is the glass half full or half empty?? ...
Well, drink it anyhow, that's what I say".
Pete Goss.
| TONY MILLER - Systems Projects - VODAFONE LTD, Derby House, |
| Newbury Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire. |
| Phone | 01635-507687(local) |
| FAX | 01635-233517 |
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this mail are my own and do not
reflect the company view unless explicitly stated. The information
is provided on an 'as is' basis and no responsibility is accepted for
any system damage howsoever caused.
======================Hall, Tyler J [hall_t_at_lxe.com]=====================
you may need to make a mfs for /tmp or maybe /var/tmp with the mfs -S 'size'
/mountpoint command.. to give some extra space for the temp contents
======================Oisin McGuinness==================================
"Secondly, vrestore needs temporary space in which to work, to extract
its list of directories from the vdump saveset. You will rarely
see the file it uses (since the strategy is to mktemp, then unlink, but keep
it open
until the process finishes; if you were restoring to an NFS mounted volume
you might have a chance of seeing it as a .nfsxxxxx file on the server), but
does need space. I believe it will go in /tmp, which in your
setup seems to be a very small mfs. Try enlarging the mfs allocation.
(This has been a particular problem for us in vrestore -i from large file
Hacks in multiuser mode: change /tmp to point to a large space; edit (using
for example) vrestore to use /TMP instead, and keep a large TMP directory
around; we
don't need a large /tmp under normal circumstances on our file servers.)
Wishlist for Digital: Allow a flag/env variable to vrestore to specify the
temp dir to use, as does vi.)"
I am repartitioning the boot disk on a production 8400. I have a procedure
which I have tested several times on a 4100 and it works fine. Guess what,
on the 8400 it dosent work - only problem is - I have zapped the o/s disk.
Heres the problem.
I have repartitioned ok, booted from cd (v4.0d) in unix shell option.
I have created a domain (newroot_domain) using rz1a and a file set (root)
within this domain. I have mounted newroot_domain#root on /tmp/newroot just
fine. I have restored by vdump of / and its ok.
Doing the same on newusr_domain#usr mounted on /tmp/newusr. The vrestore
fails as follows:
# df
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
root_device 1269214 1020818 248396 81% /
mfs:6 4926 44 4882 1% /var
mfs:13 222 76 146 35% /dev
newusr_domain#usr 8380064 32 8345968 1%
# vrestore -xf /dev/nrmt0h -D /tmp/newusr
vrestore: Date of the vdump save-set: Wed Aug 25 15:36:42 1999
/var: file system full
/var: write failed, file system is full
vrestore: dir_write() error; [28] No space left on device; terminating
First time thru I thought I had made a mistake and not restored to the
correct place, so I deleted the domain etc and recreated it. However it
fails same time around again.
I cant see any reason why this should happen. Any ideas? The only
difference between this and the test box I used is (apart from one being a
4100 and the other an 8400) is that the 8400 has 'loads' of i/o adapters and
the 4100 didnt:
# scu show edt | wc -l
I'm struggling at this point - any help would be appreciated.
Regards - Tony
Received on Thu Aug 26 1999 - 00:08:33 NZST