I'm trying to find a way to configure a standalone AlphaServer 1200
to run an Oracle 8 database which will become one of a two member TruCluster TCR-PS
cluster in about two months.
The storage configuration is the issue.
I have to use raw devices. They must be on the single shared RA3000, which
consists of two available RAID 1 sets.
I have a license for Available Server, not Production Server.
They must use LSM in order to get the 20 + datafiles I need for our Oracle DB.
I thought I had it licked, when I was told by Oracle OPS experts that if I set them up and
run Oracle on the raw devices, I will just have to redo it all over again when I finally get
the Trucluster Prod. Server software installed/licensed and set up DRD disk services. I know they
create logical special devices, but don't they just associate with existing LSM disks and
leave the data alone ?
Couldn't I just change my sym. links, that Oracle 8/OPS 8 references, from the LSM logical
disk volumes to the new DRD devices ? Actually, all of my Oracle 8 database datafiles, control
files, logs, etc reside on volumes all within 1 LSM disk, which would be assigned to one DRD (?).
Using DUNIX 4.0D.
In Summary Question:
Can I add TruCluster PS w/ DRD in later, when I install Oracle Parallel Server, and
not have to export/import all my Oracle 8 data ?
Is there a way I could load the DRD software and any dependent sets under the ASE license now,
and actually set up services with DRD, but not really utilize any of the TCR functionality?
I know these are weird questions, but I've got to work miracles here with no money, no time,
no technical training, and lots of red tape.
Wayne Sweatt
Principal Software Analyst
Litton / PRC
Received on Thu Aug 26 1999 - 20:05:16 NZST