mpsleep question

From: Barry Wu <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 09:16:25 -0700

Hi, all,

I meet a problem about mpsleep in my driver code.

First I up interrupt priority to mask network device
Second I call mpsleep
Third I do not know when I wake up from mpsleep,
the interrupt priority is the same before I up
interrupt priority or the same before I call mpsleep.
That mean can mpsleep down the interrupt priority

I read the advance topics about device driver, it
explain the mpsleep function meaning.
I do not know well the interrupt or uninterrupt exactly
meaning. "interrupt" mean hardware interrupt, or
software interrupt, or software signal?

If someone knows, please help me.

Thanks in advance!

Received on Tue Aug 31 1999 - 00:24:27 NZST

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