Dear managers!
My users have been complaining about slow response times when using a
certain application (ERDAS Imagine 8.3) for several months. A litte
inquiry relvealed that this might have come from virtual memory
reconfiguration done by myself upon suggestions from sys_check a few
months ago. As a matter of fact, the swap device shows a lot of activity
even when only one user is logged on and is running the software
mentioned above. The machines (DEC 3000/300 LX) are equipped with 192 MB
of memory and 1GB of swap space.
My question is: Are the recommendations delivered by sys_check to be
followed in any case? Is there a rule of thumb on how to configure a
workstation's VM as opposed to a server's VM? Or, even better, has
someone of you experienced similar difficulties with that particular
software (other packages such as PCI are still running fine)?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Will summarize!
Dipl.-Phys. Rolf-Peter Kienzle
Dept. of Remote Sensing and Land Information Systems
University of Freiburg, D-79085 Freiburg, Germany
Tel/Fax +49 761 203 8643/8640 e-mail:
Received on Tue Sep 07 1999 - 17:09:56 NZST