Basic problem: I am running NT with X-win32 one of several Xservers
for Windows. The xdmcp from one of the servers failed to open up with
the logon screen, while a similarly configured system had no problem.
I thought the problem might be tcp wrapers since that was the most
significant difference between the two machines. Both servers are 4.0 E
"Curt Cranfield" <> suggested I check the hosts file on
the pc, which was one of the first things I checked.
Als thanks to "Thomas M. Payerle" <> who
tested with NT running X-win32 with a True64 machine that had tcp
wrapper, and found that he had no problem.
The solution: I am not sure what fixed, but here is what I did.
1. Stopped xdm from working
#/sbin/init.d/xlogin stop
2. Started xdm in debug mode which meant adding the line
DisplayManager.debugLevel: 1
to the /var/lib/xdm/xdm-config file
3. xdm now worked so I commented out the debug line and restarted
Like I said I don't know what happened. I'd be interested to hear if
anyone has an explanation.y
Received on Thu Sep 16 1999 - 00:52:52 NZST