[Sum Upd1]Wide Ultra2 SCSI Adapter

From: Norbert Kasperczyk-Borgmann <nkb_at_informatik.fh-hamburg.de>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:42:24 +0200

Hello Managers,
I've received one more answer about my question (read below message for

My question was:
> In May Richard Eckman wrote a Summary about
> a 64-Bit Dual Channel Wide Ultra2SCSI Adapter.
> I've just checked the "Quickspecs"
> at 'www.compaq.com/products/storageworks/adapters.html'
> (dated from 2Q1999) but again there is no support for TRU64 mentioned.

> Does someone know [perhaps Richard :) ] if this adapter is now
> under TRU64UNIX ?
> I like to bye this adapter for a Alpha Server 1000A 5/333 (with TRU64
> 4.0F PK1).
> Is the Adapter supported for this machine?
Many thanks to Dr. Tom Blinn (tpb_at_doctor.zk3.dec.com) for the following

>I don't know if you've got a reply yet (I was on vacation and I haven't

>done a check to see if you posted a summary), but the answer to your
>question is "no, it's not supported, and it will NOT be supported". I
>wish I could tell you when an Ultra2 or Ultra3 adapter will be ready
>use with Tru64 UNIX -- there is a project underway that should lead to
>good product before the end of the calendar year, but I can't commit to

>any dates or tell you more details.
You can read my first summary in message:

Some references for a Ultra2 adapter are found in

I haven't received any answer from Paul Lorusso yet. He gave some hope
for an LVD adapter (3X-KZPCA-AA) which is in production for
alpha server yet (I thinks that's what Tom Blinn talk about).
So perhaps we get a supported Ultra2 (LVD) or Ultra3 SCSI Adapter from
Santa Claus :) .


Norbert Kasperczyk-Borgmann
University of Applied Sciences - Fachhochschule Hamburg
Fachbereich E/I, Softwarelabor, Raum 1187
Berliner Tor 3,  D-20099 Hamburg, Germany
phone: +49 40 42859 3167
fax  : +49 40 2484 5852
email: nkb_at_informatik.fh-hamburg.de
Received on Thu Sep 16 1999 - 12:45:01 NZST

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