I've just checked the status of my subscriptions of the patch listserver
and it can't find me. This explains the silence. Resubscription required
I guess.
On this issue, I received responses from the following people:
Arrigo Triulzi <arrigo_at_albourne.com>
Dave Wolinski <wolinski_at_umaxp1.physics.lsa.umich.edu>
Paul A Sand <pas_at_unh.edu>
Kenneth Forward <kforward_at_morgan.ucs.mun.ca>
Joel DeWitt <startrek-joel_at_email.msn.com>
Neil Dyce <Neil.Dyce_at_bristol.ac.uk>
Gwen Pettigrew <gwen_at_itg.cam.ac.uk>
Bob Vickers <bobv_at_dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk>
Joe Fletcher <joe_at_meng.ucl.ac.uk>
John Files <jhf_at_dmu.ac.uk>
Of these 10 people, 6 have received nothing. 2 received some of the
notifications. 2 received all of them.
Apparently, it isn't me :)
Received on Mon Sep 20 1999 - 13:43:54 NZST