Some liked it, some didn't. Those that liked it said it is a good reliable
disk. The second most serious complaint was that the 5.25" drives are, in
general, noisy. Also, this disk design is older and compared to the newer
disks, it is slow at 5400 rpm. The clearance price is $750 and is probably due
to the release of its replacement -- the "Baracuda 50 GB".
And the most serious complaint? Well... I'll just post it the way I received
"That disk is evil. It killed my dog and slept with my sister. :-)"
My thanks to: John P Speno
Anthony A. D. Talltree
J. Harvey Goldman
John J. Francini
David Warren
Dave Brady
Dirk Hufnagel
Cherie Willoughby
Original Post:
I'm in the market for a new disk for my alpha 500/333 DU 4.0D and just came
across a "close out" deal where the vendor is selling a new Seagate 47 GB 5.25"
F/H Elite UW SCSI disk, enclosure, and power supply for what I was about to pay
for a similar 18 GB external drive. The question is "Why is this disk so
inexpensive?" Does anyone have experience with this disk or warnings about it?
Scott Taylor
Received on Wed Sep 29 1999 - 15:21:22 NZST