I have a problem with adding memory to a system.
We have an Alpha 1000 with 128 mb in banks 0, 1 ( each bank 64 mb)
We added 256 mb to bank 2, hoping to get 384 mb total memory.
when booting, system reports SIMM mismatch bank 2. It continues to boot
and does not see the addition memory.
Does the 256 mb modules need to go in the first bank(0)? The manual says
the system supports combinations 16,32,64,128 and 256 mb modules.
thanks for any suggestions,
Jeff Foster
Central Computing Services
Systems Programming and Data Administration
261 Evans Hall
University of California, Berkeley 94720
Phone: (510)642-8552
Fax: (510)643-5385
Email: jfoster_at_uclink4.berkeley.edu
Received on Fri Oct 15 1999 - 16:29:58 NZDT