SUMMARY: pcfof and printcap file

From: Robert Carsey <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:01:58 -0400

This question was concerning print filters and why they wouldn't work at
all for me except from the command line.

I should have known better, but... There are four types of printers.
local, lat, tcp, and remote. Local and LAT being self explanatory,
remote printcap entries do pretty much NO processing (it just sends the
job over to the rm= and rp=), while tcp is what you would use when the
printer is 'connected' directly to the UNIX machine over TCP. ct=tcp is
exactly like ct=local with the difference being that instead of a direct
serial/parallel port connection, you are connected through TCP.

Also, when you set up a TCP printer, it appears as if you _need_ to have
a name (not IP address) and a service (utilizing /etc/services, not just
a port #), in your lp= line. Here is what I _FINALLY_ have (and it
works like a champ too):

where testprinter is an entry in /etc/hosts and hpprinter is an entry in

        :if=/usr/lbin/pcfof +Chplj4mplus.pcf +Iupper:\
        :of=/usr/lbin/pcfof +Chplj4mplus.pcf +Iupper:\

Thank you muchly to the following persons,
Paul Lambert
Dave Meiklejohn
Iam Mortimer
Jim Belonis
Hank Lee
Graham Allan
Bob Vickers
all of whom said pretty much the same thing, so I feel like a dummy :)


--- Original Question ---
I am attempting to set up two printcap entries for an HP printer (an
upper and lower try entry). What is interesting is that I can do the
following commands at the command prompt:

echo "test text" | /usr/lbin/pcfof +Chplj4mplus.pcf +Iupper (or lower)

And the job prints out on the appropriate tray. Very nice indeed.
However, when I stick that second piped command in my printcap file (
of=/usr/lbin/pcfof +Chplj4mplus.pcf +Iupper ), it doesn't work (it
prints out as usual, but the of= line seems to have NO impact
whatsoever. In fact, I tried writing my own filter to even see if the
of= filter was even being used:

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