Hi Managers,
I am installing DU 4.0F on a GS140 with ESA10000 storage cabinet, All
disk drives install in the ESA10000.
from the console prompt ">>>" all disks are shown as DKA101,DKA102, ....
DKA106 and DKB201,DKB202,...DKB206, and the CDROM as DKD400:. when i am
booting the cdrom to install the DU4.0f it goes smooth with all the
initialization messages and pal codes and before giving the installation
menu to choose default or custom installation I got an error message and
i got the console prompt again. The messages are:
Trap: Invalid Memory read access from kernel mode
Dump: No primary swap, no explicit dump dev, nowhere to put header
I am getting those messages before the installation menu.
By the way if i disconnect the ESA10000 and installed a disk on the
local scsi, the installation works fine, Once i connect the ESA10000 and
try to install i got the above messages.
I installed VMS 7.2 as a trial, it goes very smooth and the system
booted o.k and all disks shown from the DCL.
Is any suggestions?
Received on Sun Oct 24 1999 - 16:05:57 NZDT