I have two identical DEC 3000/400 with attached BK50 SCSI towers, both
containing tlz06 4mm drives. Both drives are newly purchased
(re-manufactured) and both have recently had the latest DEC firmware
applied. My problem is this: I am trying to use the Legato Networker
product that came with 4.0d. Setup was simple and the backups seemed to
be working fine. I enabled compression and an using 90 tapes that should
hold up to 4gig. My problem started when I noticed that the tapes were
filling up to different levels. Some only took 100 mb before Networker
claimed they were full (these area all brand new tapes that have never
been used). Most went over 1g but never close to 2 and certainly never to
4. Also sometimes when the tapes were reported full and Networker and
requested a new tape, it was impossible to mount a new one. Networker
report that the tape was busy. Fuser reports that the tape is in use by a
hung Networker daemon. I have also been unable to recover and data from
any of the supposedly successful backups that have previously completed.
I did some research and decided to apply the latest firmware to the drives
to try and fix the problem. No luck. We have other drives in the same
SCSI towers that all seem to bee working error free, so I don't think its
some kind of bus error. I am currently running a full tapex run
to try and find any problems but all shorter runs by tapex have come out
If any one has run into this problem before or has any suggestions on the
next step in determining the problem I would certainly appreciate it.
Henry Hedberg
University Of Alaska, Anchorage
Mathematical Sciences Dept.
Received on Fri Oct 29 1999 - 20:12:03 NZDT