I've got a program which needs to provide a comparison value for
95+94+...+1 data sets, and each comparison value comes out of another
program as a single file. Thus I'm creating large numbers of files as
output and running it under ksh.
The process: I provide a file of file names (DNA sequences). My
home-written program reads the file of sequences, and then creates a shell
script which calls other programs to compare each sequence against every
other sequence. Each comparison creates a new output file (and this cannot
be changed - I have no source for the comparison program.)
It's clear that 'ls' alone has no problem with just listing all the files,
but as soon as I use a wildcard to pick and choose among the output, I get
error messages about too many files.
So: does anyone know what the limits are? How many files? (it seems to be
larger than 2900 and smaller that 8100?) I can rewrite the part of the
analysis I do in order to create subdirectories for each X files, if I know
what value I should use for X.
Chad Price
Systems Manager, Genetic Sequence Analysis Facility
University of Nebraska Medical Center
986495 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68506-6495
(402) 559-9527
(402) 559-4077 (FAX)
Received on Thu Nov 04 1999 - 15:36:57 NZDT