SUMMARY: printer problem

From: Spalding, Stephen <>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 17:12:58 -0600

My original message was:

"I am having a problem with large print jobs on my DEC UNIX 4.0D patchkit 3
> systems. The problem is that whenever I send a large print job to one of
> my
> printers, the printer runs fine for a while, eventually stops because it
> needs more paper or has a jam, and the large print job starts over from
> the
> beginning. The problem only occurs when the printer stops for a period of
> time and then gets restarted. Also, I have noticed that the problem
> started
> about the same time that I installed patchkit 3."
I got a good response from Esa Hiltula and I talked with DEC support who
told me the same thing that Esa did. The problem has to do with the new way
that DEC UNIX handles printing. There is a "timeout" period that specifies
how long the system is to wait while communication between the host and the
printer is down before resetting the print job. The old "timeout" period was
120 seconds and the new period is 10 seconds.

The workaround is to change the printcap entry for the print queue from the
old-style "remote host" printer to a true tcp printer.

Old way:

New way:

Also, I had to make an entry in the /etc/services file for the HP laserjet
listener port which is 9100. Here is the entry which I made:

hpjd 9100/tcp

I ran a large print job to the hplaserjet 5SI printer which I noticed the
problem with, and the printer jammed a few times but the print did not
reset. The immediate problem was solved, however, a few more problems have
shown up as a result of the new print queue convention (header page and
orientation). What DEC said that they have done for other customers who had
problems converting the old print queues to the new style was to recompile
the source code with the timeout period setting back to 120 seconds and then
shipping those binaries to the site. The problem with this is that anytime
an operating system upgrade is performed, the custom binaries are wiped out.

Thanks to those who responded.


-Stephen Spalding
Received on Thu Nov 04 1999 - 23:20:22 NZDT

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