Dear Gurus,
2 Alphaserver with Tru64 Unix V4.0F and TCR 1.6 ASE. PK 1 is applied.
Two services configured: a NFS Service msf-fs and a user defined
service msf-smb that runs the samba software and serves data from the
NFS service to the PC world.
If the two services are running on the same machine I'm unable to relocate
the NFS service:
8< ---------------- excerpt from daemon.log -------------------- >8
Nov 8 11:57:59 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase AseMgr Error: Unable to stop service 'msf-fs' - Relocation not successful.
Nov 8 11:57:59 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase AseMgr Error: Unable to relocate `msf-fs` to `msfd52-ase`.
Nov 8 11:57:59 msfd45 ASE: msfd52-ase Agent Error: timeout waiting on '/var/ase/sbin/ase_mount_action 17200 stop msf-fs ra3000_dom#AGs /var/ase/mnt/msf-fs/AGs advfs -force_unmount' action completion
Nov 8 11:58:01 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase Director Error: can't stop service
Nov 8 11:58:01 msfd45 ASE: msfd45-ase AseMgr Error: Stop failed - Unable to stop service.
8< ------------------------------------ >8
If they run on different machines the relocation works like a charm.
Any help is greately appreciated.
Gerhard Nolte
MPI fuer Stroemungsforschung Email:
Bunsenstr. 10 Phone: +49-551-5176-716
37073 Goettingen, Germany Fax: +49-551-5176-483
Received on Mon Nov 08 1999 - 12:10:39 NZDT