Well, this was a bad, self-introduced problem:
in the joind config file "/etc/join/server.pcy" I uncommented the
following two lines:
which resulted in an address check which yielded the correct
adresses but diagnosed an address mismatch (see joind log file
entry below).
After commenting these lines again everything works as expected.
Looks like there are features in joind which are not very useful
for RIS.
Thanks anyway to Sean O'Connel who suggested further checks
(which in fact were by default set correctly).
|=> On 1999 Nov 05, Dieter Meinert (aka dieter.meinert_at_aip.de) wrote:
|=> >
|=> > my bootptab entry looks reasonable (as created by ris "add client"):
|=> >
|=> > .ris.dec:hn:vm=rfc1048
|=> > .ris0.alpha:tc=.ris.dec:bf=/ris/r0k1:rp="boothost:/ris/r0p1":
|=> > client.aip.de:tc=.ris0.alpha:ht=ethernet:ha=0000f8795a3b:ip=iii.jjj.xxx.abc:
|=> Does /ris/r0k1 exist and have world readable perms?
|=> I'd also try the following at the SRM:
|=> >>> set boot_flags
|=> >>> set ewa0_protocols bootp
|=> >>> boot ewa0
|=> Make sure that you kill off any running instances of joind
|=> /sbin/init.d/dhcp stop
|=> /sbin/init.d/dhcp start
|=> Just in case it is not properly reading your bootptab
|=> S
|=> --
|=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
|=> Sean O'Connell Email: sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU
|=> Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences Phone: (919) 684-5419
|=> Duke University Fax: (919) 684-8594
Original message:
Hi gurus,
just after summarizing my request from yesterday I immediately hit onto
a new problem with the ris server. While yesterday I was able to start
the installation procedure and hit problems only when I started
the packet selection (and with the ris home directory),
today I get the following error message from my client when
following installation instaructions for pws433:
(of course I did not change anything on the boothost except
allowing rsh and rexec access)
>>> boot -fi "" ewa0
Trying BOOTP boot
Broadcasting BOOTP request...
..file open failure for bootp/ewa0.
bootstrap failure
Retrying, type ^C to abort...
(boot ewa0. -flags a)
and so on...
The joind on the ris server boothost logs the following:
616 941814350.420271 Packet arrived on Friday November 05 16:05:50
618 received on address iii.jjj.xxx.255
619 xid=0xcbde1f96 secs=0 flags=000000 chaddr=00:00:f8:79:5a:3b
620 unpacked payload:
621 ht=1:ha=00.00.f8.79.5a.3b:ci=
623 client 00:00:f8:79:5a:3b is on net iii.jjj.xxx.0 inconsistent with static
623 BOOTP IP address iii.jjj.xxx.abc
and repeats it for every request from the client.
my bootptab entry looks reasonable (as created by ris "add client"):
/var/adm/ris/clients/risdb contains:
and of course a /var/adm/ris/clients/sets/client directory exists
with dummy (executable) preinstall and postload routines and some
files I need to install by the postload.
But as I see it the boot process does not even get this far.
/ * dieter.meinert_at_aip.de \
\ Dieter Meinert (- **
http://www.aip.de/~dieter/ \
(public pgp key from
Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1
Received on Tue Nov 09 1999 - 14:22:48 NZDT