From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 12:08:26 +0000

Hi all...

I have a GS140 (Dunix V4.0e + pk2) which is about to have a storagetek-9710
tape library attached to it. This will be driven by Legato ultimately.
However I want to be able to manipulate it via robot initially to verify
mechanics are working correctly etc. This system also has a TL894 silo
driven by robot (MRU) V1.2 - CAM driver V3.1D is installed.

I have checked the '99 archives and have found 2 references to MRU V1.3.
Neither said where I could download this kit from. Is it FTPable from
somewhere? Is this supported under V4.0e.

Your help is appreciated.

regards - Tony

Quotation: "Is the glass half full or half empty?? ...
               Well, drink it anyhow, that's what I say".
  Pete Goss.

| TONY MILLER - Systems Projects - VODAFONE LTD, Derby House, |
| Newbury Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire. |
| Phone | 01635-507687(local) |
| FAX | 01635-233517 |

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this mail are my own and do not
reflect the company view unless explicitly stated. The information
is provided on an 'as is' basis and no responsibility is accepted for
any system damage howsoever caused.
Received on Mon Nov 15 1999 - 12:10:28 NZDT

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