ftp woes

From: Avraham \(Avi\) Shapiro <"Avraham>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:43:07 -0500

This problem is occuring under Tru Unix 4.0d and NT 4.0 Service Pack 4

Now that i have good connectivity between my alpha and the NT box via
ping, I tried
doing something real i.e. ftp (before tackling NFS which I don't think
the NT
box has anyhow).

Whenever I attempt ftp'ing as a client from the NT machine
it hangs for a bit and then says "connection refused" or "permission
denied" or some such
thing. (I checked /etc/ftpusers and it presents no problems -- it
robably played no role as I never got to the login prompt). When I
tried the same thing on the alpha it seemed to depend on whether I tried
to connect to 127.1, which worked, or my fake address 111.3, made known
by /etc/hosts. In the latter case it fails -- which leads to a
conclusion that it's failing whenver the ethernet comes in to play ,
but rememeber physical connectivity and
addressability has been proven with ping so it has to be a higher level
The question is what?

To help get an answer I looked at the auth log files for ftpd and saw

Nov 17 01:54:10 ether1 ftpd[893]: connection from sii-sw2 at Wed Nov 17
01:54:10 1999
Nov 17 01:54:10 ether1 ftpd[893]: <--- 220 ether1 FTP server (Digital
UNIX Version 5.60) ready
Nov 17 01:54:12 ether1 ftpd[893]: <--- 221 You could at least say
Nov 17 01:54:12 ether1 ftpd[893]: FTP LOGOUT, NO USER

This is a connection from the host sii-sw2 which is the NT box. I see
many of these
in the log and in some it originates locally.

The complaint about not saying goodbye is probably due to my CTL-C when
it hung
as opposed to other cases where I just got a rude "Permission denied"
or some such

Arp is turned on for both machines and it does not seem to matter
whether I establish
an explicit route or not. Arp is finding the other node. Does anyone
have any idea what's
going on. These log entries are from the AUTHenitication log, but if
it's the machine
that needs authenticating I dont know how to do it. Besides why should
it work for 127.1
if that's the issue. I read the man pages on ftpd, ftp and sylog and
syslogd and I haven't a clue what's going wrong. Please help.


Avi Shapiro
Received on Wed Nov 17 1999 - 15:47:55 NZDT

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