I am a tad surprised at the recent enquiries re: AlphaNT.
Compaq alpha have dropped NT32 as it is a waste of time.
There is some possibility of NT64 on alpha but I wouldn't
hold your breath. (This annoucement coincided with the
annoucement of Linux alpha support)
I congratulate Compaq alpha for making a most sensible
decision (look what NT did for SGI ;^). Perhaps NT customers
would do well to reflect on this decision.
k.mcmanus_at_gre.ac.uk -
Dr Kevin McManus ||
School of Computing & Math Science ||
The University of Greenwich ||
Park Row, Greenwich ||Tel +44 (0)208 331 8719
London SE10 9LS UK ||Fax +44 (0)208 331 8665
Received on Mon Dec 13 1999 - 10:09:49 NZDT