jb_config command exits with memory fault while configuring TLZ7L autoloader...

From: Mahinder Kumar <mahinder_at_ohitelecom.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 18:50:47 +0400

HI all,
I am in the process of configuring TLZ7L autoloader under Legato ver 5.5 on an AlphaStation 600 running DU4.0E.
I am able to access TLZ7L using robot command. I am able to query it through mcutil command as well.
Attached text file shows the result of mcutil and robot comamnds used to access TLZ7L. However I am not
able to confiure TLZ7L for Legato using jb_config command. Attached file has the procedure followed to add it
using jb_config. It exits with memory fault without configuring TLZ7L.

I am not able to understand why is it exiting with memory fault. Is it that I have to load some patches related
to operating system or Legato? Any hints/suggestions are welcome.

Please note that I have not installed any patch kit related to V4.0E so far.

Thanks and Regards,


Entry made in /etc/mcicap file:
Output of mcutil command with different options :
# mcutil -M mc0 -m s:3 s:0
mcutil: failed, error == 1 unknown error
SCSI_MOVE_MEDIUM: Sense Key (0x5): illegal request.
        Additional Sense Code/Qualifier (0x21/0x1): Invalid element address.
        Sense Data: 70 0 5 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 0 0 0

# mcutil -e s:0-3
slot 0 [full,access] 2
slot 1 [full,access] 3
slot 2 [full,access] 4
slot 3 [empty,access] 5

# mcutil -C
Configuration dump for mc0
interface file: /dev/mc4b
interface= scsi2
interface arguments=
display= false barcode= false
auto_eject= true two_sided= false
volume_tag= false
Media Changer Optionals:
TM_INIT_ELEMENT: 240 seconds
TM_STATUS_ELEMENT: 240 seconds
TM_MOVE_MEDIA: 240 seconds
TM_EXCHANGE_MEDIA: 240 seconds
TM_PREVENT_ALLOW: 240 seconds
TM_RESERVE: 240 seconds
TM_RELEASE: 240 seconds
TM_REQUEST_VOL: 240 seconds
TM_SEND_VOL: 240 seconds
slots: 4 0-3 : 2-5
drives: 1 0 : 1
transports: 1 0 : 0
ports: 0
drive_type: tape
drive 0: /dev/rmt0h

# mcutil -i

Getting inquiry data info from device: mc0
  Peripheral Device Type 8
  Device Type Qualifier 0
  Removable Medium 1
  Version 2
  Vendor Identificaton DEC
  Product Identification TLZ7 (C)DEC
  Revision Level 4BQH
# jb_config
         1) Install a SmartMedia Jukebox.
         2) Install an Autodetected SCSI Jukebox.
         3) Install an SJI Jukebox.
         4) Install an STL Silo.

What kind of Jukebox are you installing? [1] 3
Enter the number corresponding to the type of jukebox you are installing:
         1) ADIC-1200c/ADIC-1200d 22) Qualstar
         2) ADIC-VLS 23) Spectralogic
         3) ARC DiamondBack 24) STK 9704/Lago 340
         4) Breece Hill 25) STK 9708/Lago 380 (SCSI) Datawheel
         5) Breece Hill Saguaro 26) StorageTek 9730
         6) Philips Blackjack 27) StorageTek 9738
         7) DLI Libra Series 28) Dell PowerVault 130T
         8) Quantum DLT/Digital DLT 29) Hewlett-Packard A4853A
         9) Exabyte 10e or 10h 30) IBM 3570
        10) Exabyte 10i 31) IBM 7331/IBM 9427
        11) Exabyte 18D 32) ATL/Odetics SCSI
        12) Exabyte 60 33) HP-Optical
        13) Exabyte 120 34) Sony TSL-7000
        14) Exabyte 210 35) Digital 4mm DAT TLZ9L
        15) Exabyte 220 36) Digital 4mm DAT (TLZxx)
        16) Exabyte 218 37) Digital TL800 Series
        17) Exabyte 400 Series 38) Digital TL810 Series
        18) Hitachi ML010 Series 39) Digital TL820 Series
        19) HP-C1553A/Surestore 12000e 40) Digital Optical
        20) HP-C1557A/Surestore 12000e 41) Digital TK Series
        21) Metrum (SCSI) 42) Standard SCSI Jukebox

Choice? 36
Installing an 'Digital 4mm DAT (TLZxx)' jukebox.
Name you would like to assign to the jukebox device? juke1
Pathname of the control port for the jukebox device? [] /dev/mc4b
Do you want automated device cleaning support enabled? (yes/no) no
Memory fault
Subsets loaded on the system :

# setld -i|grep CLC
CLCMC310 CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1
CLCMC314 installed SCSI CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1D
CLCMC315 SCSI CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1E
CLCOP310 CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1
CLCOP314 SCSI CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1D
CLCOP315 SCSI CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1E

# setld -i|grep ROBOT
ROBOTBASE100 installed Media Robot Utility
ROBOTDOC100 MRU Online Documentation
ROBOTMAN100 installed MRU Manual Pages

# setld -i|grep LGT
LGTOCLNT550 installed Legato Networker Basic Client
LGTOMAN550 installed Legato Networker Manpages
LGTONODE550 installed Legato Networker Driver & Storage Node
LGTOSERV550 installed Legato Networker Server

Robot command with different options:

# robot unload slot 3
# robot load slot 3
# robot show robot

Robot Name: /dev/mc4b Type: SCSI

Media Robot Identifier: DEC TLZ7 (C)DEC4BQH

Slots: 4
Drives: 1
Inports: 0
Outports: 0
Transports: 1

Received on Mon Dec 13 1999 - 14:55:14 NZDT

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