SUMMARY: update for: scsi errors - event 199

From: Dirk.Nerling <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 13:40:13 +0100

Hello all,

I had problems with some old disks at a new machine altough they worked fine
for years now. I got a lot of emails - thanks to all how replied, most of
you told me thier expierences with differnet cabels and so on (btw. I
switched the cable without any success).

Seems as I got the solution from Luchini, Marco
[]. He how had similar problems, but he
expierenced a coherence between old disks and newer 4.0x releases. He
suggested to disable disk_spindown to avoid it. I did so with "sysconfig -r
pwrmgr disk_spindown=0" and I added a section in /etc/sysconfigtab:


The machine runs fine for more than 24hours now without any disk error, so I
keep my fingers cross! Thank you all!
best regards Dirk

Dirk Nerling, PDV-Systeme Erfurt, Haarbergstr. 73, 99099 Erfurt, phone:
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Received on Wed Dec 15 1999 - 12:44:23 NZDT

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