This problem is resolved with the exception of the SETTAPE command
I changed the backup scrip line to
/sbin/vdump -0uCf /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 /raid
in order to get the compression to work. It works great now!
I tried a dump | gzip variation but was also unable to read the tape
back. The error on reading the tape back was due to the fact that
it was compressed and needed to be uncompressed first.
Recently I upgraded my unix from 4.0d to 5.0 and my backup scrip is
not working. Would you please take a look at it and tell my why
nothing is getting written to the tape? When I do a restore -t I get
the message Tape block size (512) is not a multiple of dump block
size (1024).
The scrip follows:
#/raid/ron/scripts/logdisab > /temp.file
more /usr/local/dec/disable.login.msg > /temp.file
/sbin/umount /raid
/sbin/fsck -p -o /dev/disk/dsk1g >> /temp.file
/sbin/mount /raid
echo -n "check.disc script finished at : " >> /temp.file
date >> /temp.file
echo " ****" >> /temp.file
/usr/ud33/bin/stopud >> /temp.file
/sbin/who >> /temp.file
cd /
/sbin/umount /raid
/sbin/mt rewind
/sbin/dump 0uf - /raid | compress | dd of=/dev/tape/tape0c
/sbin/mt rewind
/sbin/mount /raid
/sbin/restore -t > /raid/edmiller/raid.restore
/sbin/mt rewind
/sbin/echo " ****" >> /temp.file
/sbin/ls -l /raid/edmiller/raid.restore >> /temp.file
/usr/ucb/wc -l /raid/edmiller/raid.restore >> /temp.file
/usr/bin/echo " ****" >> /temp.file
/sbin/cat /temp.file /usr/users/edmiller/cs.logins | /usr/bin/mail
edmiller /sbin/shutdown -r now
ALSO, if any of you are UNIDATA users, when I do
SETTAPE 0 /dev/ntape/tape0_d0 /raid/LIVE/COLLIVE/_HOLD_ 4096 command
to change the direction to the HOLD queue, I get the message:
Open tapeinfo error.
Edie Miller
Manager Administrative Computer Systems
Laramie County Community College
1400 E. College Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82007
(307) 778-1324
Received on Mon Dec 20 1999 - 18:01:17 NZDT