The platform is DS20E, Tru64 5.1. Yesterday, all of my LAT printers
stopped working in the middle of the day. After a reboot, the problem
persists. The following is the lpr.log entry:
Jan 4 07:31:25 heyoka lpd[38644]: ERROR -- printjob: write of form-feed to
ofilter 8 failed, printer lp, error: Broken pipe
Having never encountered this type of error, I'm not quite sure how to
proceed. Any suggestions? And, TIA.
Oh, and BTW, LAT printing still works on a second machine (AS1000A 5/400),
using the same DecServer 300 and the same printers. This machine is
running Tru64 4.0f.
Ron Babcock, Dir. Admin. Computing
Casper College
Casper, WY 82601
Received on Thu Jan 04 2001 - 14:58:50 NZDT