Thank you, Rasal Kumarage, Tom Webster, Hoai Tran,, Byran
Lavelle, Dr.Thomas.Blinn, Peyton Bland & David Hull for the replies. (Did I
miss anybody? If I did, it was unintentional. Please forgive me.)
Suggestions ranged from checking /etc/rc.config, setting up with
/usr/sbin/xsetup, checking to see if normal login or failsafe was selected
using checklist (to run /usr/sbin/xsetup), and checking /sbin/init.d/xlogin.
All these suggestions were very good, but my problem was somewhere else.
The problem turned out to be that the configuration file went missing. Twm
did not start up because it was selected, but because the system defaults to
twm in failsafe mode (even if failsafe mode is not selected) when it cannot
find the configuration file.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Tan
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 1:41 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: CDE/TWM
> Folks
> I thought I could find the answer to this myself, but now acknowledge that
> I need a little help.
> I have a Workstation running Tru64 Unix 5.1. The console starts up with
> twm, but I do not wish this to happen. I would like to get it back to the
> stock-standard CDE display where I can find my session manager.
> If you have any clues, please help point me in the right direction.
> Thanks.
Received on Fri Jan 05 2001 - 03:50:57 NZDT