SUMMARY: ASE/AdvFS/LSM intertwining, replacing a big drive with a smaller one

From: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 09:14:52 -0800

Thanks to:
Rasal Kumarage
John P Speno
Robert Mulley
Jim Fitzmaurice

Alan answered in less than an hour with:
You might be able to do whole thing online if you have
the AdvFS Utilities license. Without the complication
of LSM and ASE, the usual solution for this problem
would be:
addvol the new volume to the domain
rmvol the old volume from the domain
watch AdvFS copy the data online...
LSM doesn't complicate matters much, but ASE probably
does. I don't know how you'd wrap it around using

This method was pretty much echoed by all the others, but
Robert Mulley went into a bit better detail and responded with:
I would probably do this a slower way but would keep down time to a
minimum. It relies on you having the ADVFS-advanced utilities installed.
Also relies on you having an extra slot to put the 2 G disk in.

1. Create new LSM volume on 2G disk
2. Add new disk to ADVFS file domain using addvol
3. Using the asemgr tell ase about the new disk in the advfs file
domain. This can be down without stopping service under 1.6
4. Use rmvol to remove the 4G disk from the AdvFS file domain. rmvol
will move all data off the 4G onto the 2G, might take some time,
especially on a busy system.
5. Same as step three, telling asemgr that you've removed the disk.

Then you should be done. With no downtime.

Good luck and don't forget to backup before undertaking this procedure.
What he included was also updating ASE and he stated an assumption
"relies on you having an extra slot to put the 2 G disk in" that I forgot
to mention. All of my slots are full. What I think I'm going to do is
remove one of the shelf power supplies, slide the HSZ battery over
to the empty slot, slap a 2GB drive in, go through the procedure
above, remove the 4GB drive, slap in another 2GB drive and go
from the 'temporary' 2 back to a permanent 2. I've got my monthly
outage scheduled for next Thursday, so downtime wasn't a huge
factor, but being able to do this on-line before my outage helps.
Thanks again!

Original request:
I'm running 4.0F,pk3, and ASE 1.6. I've got a disk service defined
which consists of a single lsm volume in it's own diskgroup. I need
to replace this 4GB disk with a 2GB disk and I was looking for the
LEAST painful way to do this.

On the surface, I think this would work:

 vdump filesystem
 asemgr offline service
 voldg deport diskgroup
   remove 4GB drive and replace with 2GB drive
 disklabel -wrn rze49 HSZ
 voldisksetup -i rze49 nconfig=2 nlog=2
 voldg init diskgroup adddisk rze49=rze49
 voldg -g diskgroup free rze49
 volassist -g diskgroup make vol1 big_number_returned_from_last_step
 asemgr online service
 vrestore filesystem

I want to end up with the ASE service and the advanced filesystems exactly
like they were before. The LSM configuration should be the same except
for the smaller volume size. The potential drawback of this is if ASE
or ADVFS "remembers" the old sizes, I'm probably screwed. Any ideas if
this will work? (otherwise I'll have to delete and redefine the ase
service,etc.) TIA.

Jeff Beck  

CareWise Inc.
1501  4th Ave.
Suite 800
Seattle,  WA   98101-1629
Received on Fri Jan 12 2001 - 17:15:58 NZDT

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