Thanks to everyone who replied. I was abit confused and if I would have
understood the man page better I would not have asked the question.
My Original Questions:
> I have an AlphaServer 2000 running Tru64 Unix 4.0e with the following
> line in the the crontab.
We are running Tru64 Unix version 4.0F on an AlphaServer 4100.
> 31 02 * * 6 test -x /usr/sbin/defragcron && /usr/sbin/defragcron -p -v
> >>/usr/adm/defragcron.log 2>&1
> Does anyone know what the 149 error in a defragcron log is.
> How do I make the logs read what time it was logged..
> Right now all I have is an entry like this:
> defragment -T 149 dom0
> defragment -T 149 dom1
> defragment -T 149 dmn3
> defragment: Defragmenting domain 'dmn3'
> defragment: Defragmenting domain 'dom1'
> defragment: Defragmenting domain 'dom0'
> defragment: Defragmented domain 'dom0'
> defragment: Defragmented domain 'dom1'
> defragment: Defragmented domain 'dmn3'
> How do I know if it passed or if it failed. And when it was ran.
I received answers from Sean O'Connell, Bryan Lavelle, John P Speno,
kat, Steve Butcher, Chris Ruhnke and John Verier.
Most of the common answer was read the man pages. I did that but since
it was in
a log file I was confused. I also got responses that said this is normal
and it is assumed that the defragcron completed.
John Verier sent a scipt that will allow the defragment to take place
and still be logged.
here it is
#! /bin/csh -f
set status_file = "/var/tmp/defrag.status"
set admin_user = "sysadmin"
set dt = `date`
echo " "$dt[1]" "$dt[2]" "$dt[3]", "$dt[6] >>! $status_file
echo "Defrag STARTed at "$dt[4]" "$dt[5] >>! $status_file
/usr/sbin/defragcron -p -a 06:30 >>! $status_file
set dt = `date`
if ($status != 0) then
echo "At end of defrag,"$dt[4]" "$dt[5]", status was "$status >>!
/bin/cat $status_file >>! /usr/adm/defragcron.log
/usr/ucb/mail -r "Odin Defrag Failed" $admin_user < $status_file
/bin/cp /dev/null $status_file
exit 1
echo "Defrag FINISHed at "$dt[4]" "$dt[5] >>! $status_file
echo " " >>! $status_file
/bin/cat $status_file >>! /usr/adm/defragcron.log
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Odin Defrag Succeeded" $admin_user < $status_file
/bin/cp /dev/null $status_file
exit 0
Also if you want time stamps you could try this
If you want timestamps, I'd switch the crontab entry to send its ouput
/usr/bin/logger, i.e.
31 02 * * 6 test -x /usr/sbin/defragcron && /usr/sbin/defragcron -p -v
| /usr/bin/logger -p -t defragcron
Ron Bramblett
Systems Adminstrator
Fuller Brush Company
Received on Mon Jan 15 2001 - 17:35:03 NZDT