most responses gave the answer of "disklabel -rw /dev/rrzXc HSZ50" - which
verifies what i was guessing.
Tom Blinn gave a detailed explanation:
It should not be any different. The HSZ exports to system software
a "disk view", that is, something that looks like a disk. It has
partitions, etc. Once you figure out the logical device name for
the logical disk you want to label, you just label it. The use of
a name like "HSG80" in the disklabel command is just to cause it to
read the logical disk configuration data to construct the default
partition sizes, kind of like using "RZxx".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Smith []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 12:45 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: disklabel on an HSZ52 unit?
> how would i stick a disklabel (4.0f) on an unit behind a HSZ52 (two HSZ50s
> working in redundant mode)? i'm having to add some more disks......
> for HSG80s, i type "disklabel -rw /dev/rrzXc HSG80," i'm just having
> questions about the HSZ50.
> --Brandon
Received on Wed Jan 17 2001 - 19:16:59 NZDT