this is probably a straight "no" answer but: is there any remote
chance that an Ethernet card which is a tulip clone would work in a
DS20/DS20E? I have a stack of Kingston KNE100TX 100Mbit/s cards which
have a pretty 21143-PD chip sitting on them. Yes, the chip does say
Intel on it but Intel bought Digital's networking a while back (If I
remember correctly as a part-settlement for infringing some VAX
processor patents with its Pentium Pro) and the design is allegedly
the same.
Given the outrageous cost of a Compaq true original Ethernet card (USD
200 is what the local bod quoted), I am really loathe to shell it out
for what effectively can be bought for about USD 35!
Received on Wed Jan 17 2001 - 23:23:29 NZDT