ELSA Gloria Synergy on AS4100/Tru64?

From: Jay Ponder <ponder_at_dasher.wustl.edu>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 23:53:28 -0600


Does anyone know for certain whether the ELSA Gloria Synergy 8MB PCI
video card (PBXGK) will work on an AlphaServer 4100 running Tru64
5.0? This card clearly works fine on various recent vintage Alpha
workstations, DS10/20, etc, but I can't find info about it being
supported on the AS4100. I have the option to buy one for my AS4100,
but don't want to do so unless I'm sure it will work.

                          Thanks, Jay P.

Jay W. Ponder                          Phone:  (314) 362-4195
Biochemistry, Box 8231                 Fax:    (314) 362-7183
Washington University Medical School
660 South Euclid Avenue                Email:  ponder_at_dasher.wustl.edu
St. Louis, Missouri 63110  USA         WWW:    http://dasher.wustl.edu/
Received on Fri Feb 02 2001 - 05:51:23 NZDT

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