Thanks to an anonymous but doubtlessly efficient genius, who wrote this kind
Avoid binary-only downloads for "trusted" applications like password
(which will have access to sensitive information and probably even run with
root privilege).
You may find source code for chpass in (at least) the FreeBSD distribution.
(Check out OpenBSD as well.) Given Tru64's strong BSD heritage, this is
probably a good place to start from. Note that FreeBSD issued a security
advisory for chpass on 2000-10-30, so make sure you get a sufficiently
recent version of the tool.
Another possiblity is PERL, which has an answer to almost any problem.
For example, the function crypt(), that encrypts a string for /etc/passwd
$new_cipher = crypt($passwd1, $salt); (Thank you, Jonas !)
So long, folks !
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gasser Urs BIT
> Sent: Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2001 16:29
> To: ''
> Subject: Looking for TRU64 'chpass' download site
> Hi whizz kids!
> Our AIX team uses an open domain tool
> called "chpass", but they only have the binary.
> This handy tool sets a password for new users and lets them change it when
> they first log in.
> This is my question:
> Does anyone know the Web-site
> where I can download the binary for TRU64 ? (Or can anyone send me the
> binary in a ZIP ?)
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Greetings,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> Urs Gasser
> Betriebszentrum Bereitstellung UNIX BZBX
> Bundesamt fuer Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> Post Monbijoustrasse 74, CH-3003 Bern
> Telefon +41-31-322 26 39
> Telefax +41-31-325 90 30
> Internet
> X.400 G=urs; S=gasser; O=bit; A=admin; C=ch
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
Received on Fri Feb 02 2001 - 09:09:37 NZDT