[SUMMARY] : Console is secure - parameters are not allowed, Lost password

From: Fredrik Steen <fsteen_at_stone.nu>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 14:04:49 +0100

Alvaro Ivan Ramirez P. Compaq Colombia answered:
To clear the password at the enter password prompt, depress and release the
Halt button then press the enter key.

Solves my problems. Thank you!

-----Original Message-----
From: Fredrik Steen [mailto:fsteen_at_stone.nu]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 5:34 AM
To: tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov
Subject: Console is secure - parameters are not allowed, Lost password..

Dear Fellow admins,

We got a problem here with a AlphaServer 1200 with a locked console.
The console is secure so I cant boot from disk/cd to upgrade the
system. The guy who sat the password is not working with us anymore.
Is there anyway to unlock the console without the password?


.Fredrik Steen
- http://www.stone.nu -
Received on Tue Feb 06 2001 - 13:05:56 NZDT

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