Adding Alternate Sessions to CDE

From: Tom Webster <webster_at_SSDPDC.LGB.CAL.BOEING.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 18:35:24 -0800


I've got Compaq support looking into this, but thought that some of
you may have already beaten this problem:

The CDE infrastructure is supposed to be able to support alternate
session types, selectable from dtlogin's sessions menu. An example
of this is Sun's inclusion of OpenWindows as an alternate session
type under CDE. (I seem to recall DECwindows being an option in
older versions of Digital UNIX (3.x?)).

Does this facility still exist in the currently shipping version of the
CDE? I would like to be able to add the ability to select alternate
session types (i.e. KDE or GNOME). I would also like to investigate
being able to use this facility to provide a login-less method to shut
a system down by selecting a captive 'shutdown' session.

[I know it is a bad idea in general, but with our power 'situation'
here in California, management is on me for a simple way to shutdown
workstations without requiring much of the person shutting the
system down -- ala Windows NT.]

I have a link that describes adding alternate window managers to the
CDE login manager under Solaris; but the directory structure is
different under Tru64 and the example does not work, even with some
wedging. Is this a matter of adjusting the suggested file locations,
or has CDE been modified to prevent the use of alternative window

Here's the link I mentioned:

Thanks in advance,

| Tom Webster                       |  "Funny, I've never seen it     |
| SysAdmin Boeing-SSD ISS-IS-HB-S&O |   do THAT before...."           |
| |   - Any user support person     |
|      Unless clearly stated otherwise, all opinions are my own.      |
Received on Wed Feb 07 2001 - 02:37:21 NZDT

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