Thanks to John Tan for his quick and accurate suggestion.
Even though the docs say that "rw" is the default, it appears that it is
needed. I changed this line:
/netconfig_at_delta-d3p1 /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig nfs
bg,soft 0 0
/netconfig_at_delta-d3p1 /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig nfs
rw,bg,soft 0 0
and it mounted just fine. I did the same to the rest of the nfs mounts and
did a mount -a and all nfs file systems mounted.
thanks again.
At 05:44 PM 2/7/01 -0500, Paul LaMadeleine wrote:
> I seem to be having problems with my /etc/fstab file. I have nfs
> file systems listed in the /etc/fstab file, but I can not mount them from
> there. However, I can mount them by hand. Below is a transcript of what
> I did. I started by vi'ing the /etc/fstab (I changed spaces to tabs just
> in case), tried a mount and received this error " mount: unknown special
> file or file system /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig ". I then mounted the file
> system by hand and it worked.
> thanks,
> Paul
>root_at_callisto:/etc% vi /etc/fstab
>"/etc/fstab" 35 lines, 1699 characters
>cluster_root#root / advfs rw 0 1
>cluster_usr#usr /usr advfs rw 0 2
>cluster_var#var /var advfs rw 0 2
>/proc /proc procfs rw 0 0
>crash_domain#crash /var/adm/crash advfs rw 0 2
>oracle_domain#oracle /oracle advfs rw 0 3
>cluster_leads#leads /leads advfs rw,userquota,groupquota 0 2
>cluster_exports#export /oracle/export advfs rw,userquota,groupquota 0 2
>cluster_opt#opt /opt advfs rw,userquota,groupquota 0 2
># NFS Stuff
># file_spec mnt_point fs_type mnt_options backup fsck
>/netconfig_at_emcdm2p0 /nfs/emcdm2p0/netconfig nfs bg,soft
>/netutl_at_emcdm2p0 /nfs/emcdm2p0/netutl nfs bg,soft
>/nettmp_at_emcdm2p0 /nfs/emcdm2p0/nettmp nfs bg,soft
>/netconfig_at_emcdm2p1 /nfs/emcdm2p1/netconfig nfs bg,soft
>/netutl_at_emcdm2p1 /nfs/emcdm2p1/netutl nfs bg,soft
>/nettmp_at_emcdm2p1 /nfs/emcdm2p1/nettmp nfs bg,soft
>/reports_at_emcdm3p0 /nfs/emcdm3p0/reports nfs bg,soft
>/user_at_emcdm3p0 /nfs/emcdm3p0/user nfs bg,soft
>/reports_at_emcdm3p1 /nfs/emcdm3p1/reports nfs bg,soft
>/user_at_emcdm3p1 /nfs/emcdm3p1/user nfs bg,soft
>/nettmp_at_delta-d1p0 /nfs/delta-d1p0/nettmp nfs bg,soft
>/aqptmp_at_delta-d2p0 /nfs/delta-d2p0/aqptmp nfs bg,soft
>/netutl_at_delta-d2p0 /nfs/delta-d2p0/netutl nfs bg,soft
>/reports_at_delta-d3p0 /nfs/delta-d3p0/reports nfs bg,soft
>/netconfig_at_delta-d3p0 /nfs/delta-d3p0/netconfig nfs bg,soft
>/user_at_delta-d1p0 /nfs/delta-d1p0/user nfs bg,soft
>/nettmp_at_delta-d1p1 /nfs/delta-d1p1/nettmp nfs bg,soft
>/aqptmp_at_delta-d2p1 /nfs/delta-d2p1/aqptmp nfs bg,soft
>/netutl_at_delta-d2p1 /nfs/delta-d2p1/netutl nfs bg,soft
>/reports_at_delta-d3p1 /nfs/delta-d3p1/reports nfs bg,soft
>/netconfig_at_delta-d3p1 /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig nfs bg,soft 0
> 0
>/user_at_delta-d1p1 /nfs/delta-d1p1/user nfs bg,soft
>"/etc/fstab" 35 lines, 1702 characters
>root_at_callisto:/etc% mount /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig
>mount: unknown special file or file system /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig.
>root_at_callisto:/etc% mount
>cluster_root#root on / type advfs (rw)
>root2_domain#root on /cluster/members/member2/boot_partition type advfs (rw)
>cluster_var#var on /var type advfs (rw)
>oracle_domain#oracle on /oracle type advfs (rw)
>cluster_usr#usr on /usr type advfs (rw)
>cluster_opt#opt on /opt type advfs (rw)
>cluster_exports#export on /oracle/export type advfs (rw)
>cluster_leads#leads on /leads type advfs (rw)
>/proc on /proc type procfs (rw)
>root1_domain#root on /cluster/members/member1/boot_partition type advfs (rw)
>/user_at_delta-d1p1 on /nfs/delta-d1p1/user type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr)
>root_at_callisto:/etc% mount -t nfs -o rw /netconfig_at_delta-d3p1
>root_at_callisto:/etc% mount
>cluster_root#root on / type advfs (rw)
>root2_domain#root on /cluster/members/member2/boot_partition type advfs (rw)
>cluster_var#var on /var type advfs (rw)
>oracle_domain#oracle on /oracle type advfs (rw)
>cluster_usr#usr on /usr type advfs (rw)
>cluster_opt#opt on /opt type advfs (rw)
>cluster_exports#export on /oracle/export type advfs (rw)
>cluster_leads#leads on /leads type advfs (rw)
>/proc on /proc type procfs (rw)
>root1_domain#root on /cluster/members/member1/boot_partition type advfs (rw)
>/user_at_delta-d1p1 on /nfs/delta-d1p1/user type nfs (v3, rw, udp, hard, intr)
>/netconfig_at_delta-d3p1 on /nfs/delta-d3p1/netconfig type nfs (v3, rw, udp,
>hard, intr)
Paul LaMadeleine
System Manager
Lightbridge, Inc
Direct: (781) 359-4802
Main: (781) 359-4000
Fax: (781) 359-4500
Cell: (617) 212-0611
Pager: (781) 495-6194
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Received on Wed Feb 07 2001 - 23:38:16 NZDT