SUMMARY: TZ887 no longer autoloads next tape

From: Williams, David J <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:41:16 +1030

Thanks to all who replied.

All replies are included below, and all contained the answer.

Next time I'll ask managers first!

The answer:
Turn the loader key to the automatic position.

Someone over the Christmas break had turned the loader key from the
automatic position (box with arrows icon) to the manual position (hand


My original message was:
Our TZ887 no longer autoloads the next tape under Compaq Tru64 V4.0F patch
kit 1.
This behaviour began at the beginning of this calendar year.
mt rewoffl used to unload the current tape and autoload the next tape, but
now it only unloads the tape.
We swapped the TZ887 for a new one and it did not fix the problem.
Any suggestions as to what might be causing this?
Please respond to me directly and I will summarise.
David J Williams
Technical Specialist
IT_at_Healthcare <mailto:IT_at_Healthcare> 
F H Faulding & Co Limited
Tel: +61 8 8209 2624/ Fax: +61 8 8285 7736
Vladik Valikhovsky wrote:
Is the mode selection key on the front of the TZ887 switched into automatic
operation mode?  In the past someone had switched the key on my TZ887 into
manual, but it took me several days before I thought of checking on the key
Vladik Valikhovsky
UNIX Systems Support
Barry Bozic wrote:
I know on a DEC system that if the key on the tape drive is in the vertical
position the tapes will not eject and go to the next one. The key must be
turned to the right 45 degrees - the orange marker must be pointing toward
the 'Box'  icon  otherwise manual intervention is required. This may not be
the case for a unix operating system, but it's a shot.
Werner Rost wrote:
Did you switch the operator key on the panel?
Werner Rost
Alan wrote:
What is the position of the key switch?  I think one of the positions
disables sequential loading.
Gary Phipps wrote:
Is the key in the control panel set to autochange ?  (little box with
arrows) ?
Steffi Laurentius wrote:
Hello, David,
did you verify that the key in front of the TZ887 is in the right position?
It has  4 possible positions and must be in direction to the square (second
position from left) to work in the way you need it. (Hope you understand
what I mean). Perhaps someone switched the key to "maintenance" and not back
to the correct position...
Regards Steffi
Received on Fri Feb 16 2001 - 06:29:11 NZDT

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