Just a few seconds after my questions I got two answers from Kevin Fleming
and JC Faul - both works!
Kjell Andresen Systems administrator, University of Oslo, Norway
Center for Information Technology Services and
Department of Geophysics
Original question:
At the console prompt/SRM-mode it is possible to issue
>>>show power
-and get info about power supplys, fans and temperature.
Is it possible to read the temperature when running TU64 v5.1?
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 23:33:35 -0000
From: Kevin Fleming <kevin_at_w617.com>
Subject: RE: DS20E and temperature
here is a script to display the temperature (on a DS20e) ..
# show the system temperature
# KBF - 01 Jan 2001
# get current temp
current_temp=`/usr/sbin/snmp_request localhost public get $current_temp_oid | cut -f2 -d= | cut -c 2-`
echo "$HOST temperature: ${current_temp}"
-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 15:31:05 +0200
From: JC Faul <jfaul_at_mtc.com.na>
To: 'Kjell Andresen' <kjell.andresen_at_usit.uio.no>
Subject: RE: DS20E and temperature
Hi Kjell, on V4.0F I use the command >sysconfig -q envmon. Don't know if
it's available on V5.1
Received on Fri Feb 16 2001 - 13:44:43 NZDT