Further question to SUMMARY: shutdown by user other than root

From: Rost, Werner <Werner.Rost_at_boge.mannesmann.de>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 08:45:50 +0100

In my "SUMMARY: shutdown by user other than root" I asked:

    root has UID = 0. Is it possible that
    another user has UID = 0 too?

There are 2 very intereting answers:

Calvin Coghlan [ccoghlan_at_ascensionhealth.org] writes:

In reply to question in your summary, you can have multiple accounts with
the same UID in basic security. I am uncertain about enhanced security,
since I do not currently have it on any production system. I am testing it
for deployment.. An account in basic security with UID has all of the
privileges of root so be careful.

And Jim Fitzmaurice [jpfitz_at_fnal.gov] says:

Only if your running Enhanced Security.


Werner Rost
Werner Rost, Mannesmann-Boge GmbH
Abt: KIR
Tel: 0228/3825-420
Fax: 0228/3825-398
Email: werner.rost_at_boge.mannesmann.de
Friesdorfer Str. 175, 53175 Bonn - Bad Godesberg

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