I've got 2 answer allmost in a minute. Thanks to Olle Eriksson and Adrian
I've never thought about this but it turns out to be awfully simple: cron
doesn't set your PATH environment as I expected is. Adding /sbin/ to my
vrestore and vdump commands was enough!
Thank you very much! I'm again suprised by the QUICK responses!
Kind regards, Luitzen
-----Original Message-----
From: Luitzen van Gorkum
Sent: dinsdag 20 februari 2001 9:17
To: true 64 mail list
Subject: Unable to run vrestore en vdump in crontab
I've got a backupscript wich I want to start from the crontab. Manually the
script works fine in cron the commands vrestore en vdump don't work.
Monitoring the processes I don't even find a process for them...
This is de command as I've been using restoring the file session from the
first saveset on tape:
mt -f $BUPdev load
vrestore -f $BUPdev -v -o yes -D /tmp -x session
mt -f $BUPdev offline
The vdump syntax is:
vdump -f $BUPdev -v -0 -N -D /usr
Manually it works fine, Manually detatching works fine but Cron doesn't work
(all user root).
Kind regards,
Luitzen van Gorkum
CMG Noord Nederland
Divisie Advanced Technology
Received on Tue Feb 20 2001 - 08:30:10 NZDT