I have an ES40 running v5.1 and TruCluster 1.5.
I'm doing incremental
dumps of an AdvFS file system using vdump on a 0 3
2 5 4 weekly schedule
to a DDS-3 internal DAT drive.
The level 0 dump occurs as the first dump on a
fresh tape. The dump appears
to complete in a healthy manner; the level 3 on
the next day is also happy.
However I'm having trouble restoring (vrestore)
from the level 0.
The level 0 dump file is about 5 GB and when I
attempt a restore a la
# vrestore -v -D /mnt -x
I get the following output:
vrestore: Date of the vdump save-set: Mon Feb 26
16:44:11 2001
vrestore: Save-set source directory : /u04
r /mnt/./alstom/
and it just sits there. Just in case I was getting
too impatient,
I let it sit there for over a hour. No progress.
The little lights
indicate that the drive thinks it's doing
something, but I think
it's confused.
Restores from the next save-set (level 3) go just
fine. I use # mt fsf 1
to get to the next save-set and vrestore works
like a charm. vrestore -t
lists all the files in the level 0 save-set and I
can mark them in the
interactive mode, but I just can't get at them.
Any ideas, O wise and wondrous companions?
Julie L.C. Thomas
UNIX Systems Administrator
Taylor, TX
"Persistence and determination alone are
omnipotent." -- Calvin Coolidge
Received on Wed Feb 28 2001 - 00:36:46 NZDT