the posted problem came from the combination of a patched compaq preinstalled Tru64 5.1 HD and unpatched TruCluster 5.1 subsets. If
both Tru64 and TruServer 5.1 are unpatched or patched you can create a cluster and add a second member without any problems.
At this point also a hint to check the HSZ80 firmware (Thanks to Jim Lola).
For TruCluster 5.1 you need 8.3-1, but all HSZ80 comes with 8.3-0. The patch from 8.3-0 was not "well" known by compaq germany
before my request. The patch is very small and written in only in the nvram the HSZ80 and deals with lock mode pages of it. You can
check the difference with the tool cleanPR (clean persistence reservations, Tru64 5.1) which shows the cluster member csids as lock
key on the HSZ80 LUNs.
Joerg Leinhoss,
AED Graphics AG, Germany
Jörg Leinhoß wrote:
> ...
> I have problems adding a 2. member to TruCluster 5.1. The problems starts while booting the 2. member. The 2. member sleeps after
> adding the swapspace and "Sucessfully claimed quorum, adding 1 vote". clu_get_info shows the 2. member. clu_quorum on the 1. note
> hangs while the 2. member hangs.
> If I shutdown the 1. member and boot the second member again, it hangs after:
> "cfs_perform_glroot_mount: cfs_mountroot_local failed to mount the cluster root fs with errot = 6"
> I leave the quorum configuration in clu_create/clu_add_member at defaults (all 1).
> All shared disks can accessed from the 2. maschine if tru64 booted.
> The environment is the following:
> Tru64 5.1/TruCluster 5.1 without patches (yet)
> 2xDS20E/1GB, 2xHSZ80, 2xKZPBA-CB with y-cable/termination
> MC2, 512MB/8KB, Virtual HUP Mode,
> Cluster root/usr/var: 0.4G, 1.5G, 1G, member boot disks 2x3GB, all in RAID5 Sets
> ...
attached mail follows:
I have problems adding a 2. member to TruCluster 5.1. The problems starts while booting the 2. member. The 2. member sleeps after
adding the swapspace and "Sucessfully claimed quorum, adding 1 vote". clu_get_info shows the 2. member. clu_quorum on the 1. note
hangs while the 2. member hangs.
If I shutdown the 1. member and boot the second member again, it hangs after:
"cfs_perform_glroot_mount: cfs_mountroot_local failed to mount the cluster root fs with errot = 6"
I leave the quorum configuration in clu_create/clu_add_member at defaults (all 1).
All shared disks can accessed from the 2. maschine if tru64 booted.
The environment is the following:
Tru64 5.1/TruCluster 5.1 without patches (yet)
2xDS20E/1GB, 2xHSZ80, 2xKZPBA-CB with y-cable/termination
MC2, 512MB/8KB, Virtual HUP Mode,
Cluster root/usr/var: 0.4G, 1.5G, 1G, member boot disks 2x3GB, all in RAID5 Sets
Please help!
Joerg Leinhoss
AED Graphics AG, Germany
Received on Wed Feb 28 2001 - 11:48:24 NZDT