Trouble with Device Special Files on V5.1

Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 13:17:49 -0600

     We just replaced a disk controller (An HSZ70). This is a cluster of 2
     HSZ70's(Not configured for dual redundancy) and 2 4100's running V5.1
     Patch Kit 2. After I replaced this disk controller although all the
     units on this disk controller were, dsk1...dsk7, now the system
     decided to rebuild new device special file names for them
     dsk18....dsk24. Why is this? Is this supposed to happen if you
     replaced this disk controller even if the bus stays the same. To fix
     this I tried a "dsfmgr -m dsk18 dsk1" but I get dsk1a is active
     Tks & Rgds,
     Allegiance Healthcare Corporation
     Email -
Received on Fri Mar 02 2001 - 19:23:06 NZDT

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