Subsequent system crashes

From: Nagy Ákos <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 13:12:18 +0100

                Helo sysmans!

          I use a Tru64 V4.0D without patchkit on an AS4100. After working
for about one and a half years,
        it begun to crash. After rebooting and working about five minutes to
several hours, it crashes again.
        This started yesterday. There weren't _any_ changes on the system.
          Although it is not a production system, it is heavily used.
(Running samba on a Windows network.)
        It has an RA7000 connected to with more than 150 GB disks in sum.
          Since I'm not a programmer, I can't do much with crash dump
informations (i.e. /var/adm/crash/*).
        The message file has lines:

Mar 12 12:36:41 as4100 vmunix: panic (cpu 0): System Uncorrectable Machine
Mar 12 12:36:41 as4100 vmunix: syncing disks... device string for dump =
SCSI 0 2000 0 1 100 0 0.
Mar 12 12:36:41 as4100 vmunix: DUMP.prom: dev SCSI 0 2000 0 1 100 0 0, block
Mar 12 12:36:41 as4100 vmunix: device string for dump = SCSI 0 2000 0 1 100
0 0.
Mar 12 12:36:42 as4100 vmunix: DUMP.prom: dev SCSI 0 2000 0 1 100 0 0, block
Mar 12 12:36:42 as4100 vmunix: Alpha boot: available memory from 0x11e8000
to 0x1fffc000
Mar 12 12:36:42 as4100 vmunix: Digital UNIX V4.0D (Rev. 878); Wed Jan 12
13:14:32 MET 2000

        The last line indicates the next boot caused by the environment
variable auto_action set to restart.
        The crash-data file has some lines as (I try to cut'n'paste the ones
I think can be important):

_cpu: 49
can't read from process (address 0xfffffc006cdb6f56)
_ncpus: 1
_avail_cpus: 1
_partial_dump: 1
_physmem(MBytes): 511
_panic_string: 0xfffffc00006cda58 = "System Uncorrectable Machine Check "
_paniccpu: 0
_panic_thread: 0xfffffc00022a1b80
struct {
    hdr = struct {
        msg_magic = 0x880524
        msg_bufx = 0xcdd
        msg_bufr = 0xbcb
        msg_size = 0xfe0
    msg_bufc = "Alpha boot: available memory from 0x11e8000 to 0x1fffc000
00000 kernel idle
00001 init
00003 kloadsrv
00026 update
00102 syslogd
00104 binlogd
00276 portmap
00278 mountd
00280 nfsd
00282 nfsiod
00337 sendmail
00404 svrSystem_mib
00405 svrMgt_mib
00406 os_mibs
00408 snmpd
00446 advfsd
00456 inetd
00489 cron
00517 lpd
00526 httpd
00529 smbd
00531 nmbd
00535 ircd
00536 iauth
00578 dtlogin
00594 httpd
00595 httpd
00596 httpd
00597 httpd
00598 httpd
00607 nv_mib
00626 ntl_reader
00628 netfmt
00633 ovspmd
00640 nvsecd
00650 ovwdb
00651 pmd
00652 nvpagerd
00653 nvlockd
00665 orsd
00666 trapd
00669 nvcold
00673 ovtopmd
00674 ovactiond
00675 nvcorrd
00676 actionsvr
00677 nvserverd
00679 actionsvr
00680 ovesmd
00681 snmpCollect
00684 ovelmd
00734 bash
00735 getty
00736 getty
00752 smbd
00799 more
00816 smbd
_current_pid: 816
_current_tid: 0xfffffc00022a1b80
thread 0xfffffc00022a1b80 stopped at [boot:1890 ,0xfffffc0000525bf8]
Source not available
> 0 boot() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/machdep.c":1890,
nmp = 0x1000
rs = -4398039198160
mycpu = 0
rpb = 0xfffffc00006ef9d8
rpb_cpu = 0x1
item_list = struct {
    function = 0
    out_flags = 984397546
    in_flags = 0
    rtn_status = 18446739675665874836
    next_function = (nil)
    input_data = 1
    output_data = 18446739675750817792

   1 panic(0xfffffc001f9e62c0, 0x17, 0xfffffc001fe0e000, 0xfffffc001fe0e000,
0xde67b) ["../../../../src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":737, 0xfffffc00002826b0]

   2 thread_block() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":2101,
thread = 0xfffffc00022a1b80
new_thread = 0xfffffc0000200100
mycpu = 0
myprocessor = 0xfffffc0000200100
s = 5
pset = 0xfffffc00006f9630

   3 thread_preempt(thread = 0x26, processor = 0xfffffc0000200100)
["../../../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":3975, 0xfffffc00002b702c]
s = 2
pset = 0xfffffc0000723ff0

   4 boot() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/machdep.c":1836,
nmp = 0x1000
rs = -4398039198160
mycpu = 7300304
rpb = 0xfffffc00006ef9d8
rpb_cpu = 0xde67a
item_list = struct {
    function = 18446739675663059000
    out_flags = 18488
    in_flags = 4294966272
    rtn_status = 1632
    next_function = 0x4
    input_data = 21
    output_data = 18446739675668618248

   5 panic(0x303000000d0a3030, 0x15, 0xfffffc0000551c08, 0xfffffffffffffff0,
0xfffffc00011ec308) ["../../../../src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":824,

   6 machcheck(0x1, 0x300000000, 0xfffffc0000004838, 0xffffffffa0ffb0b8,
0xfffffc0000004838) ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/kn300.c":1984,

   7 mach_error(0xfffffc0000004838, 0xffffffffa0ffb0b8, 0xfffffc0000004838,
0x0, 0xfffffc0000522000)
["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/cpusw.c":873, 0xfffffc0000536a88]

   8 _XentInt(0x0, 0xfffffc00005222f0, 0xfffffc00006f70a0, 0x15, 0x1)
["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":1312, 0xfffffc0000521ffc]

   9 _XentMM(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc0002a5f088, 0xfffffc001caecf00)
["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":1610, 0xfffffc00005222ec]

struct {
    fault_va = 0x0
    fault_pc = 0x0
    fault_ra = 0x0
    fault_sp = 0x0
    access = 0x0
    status = 0x0
    cpunum = 0x0
    count = 0x0
    pcb = (nil)
    thread = (nil)
    task = (nil)
    proc = (nil)

          I suspect a faulty CPU and/or memory, since there were no changes,
as I mentioned before. Anyone
        please help, and sorry for the long mail!

                                                        Nagy Akos, alias
Nagyak (from Hungary)
Received on Mon Mar 12 2001 - 12:13:23 NZDT

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