I've upgraded an Alpha 2100 from 4.0E to 5.1 (steps were 4.0e -> 4.0f ->
5.0a -> 5.1).
After these subsequent upgrades i noticed that boot procedure stopped after
"Unlocking ptys" was printed on the console. A "control-c" made the boot
continue. It appeared that the /sbin/init.d/sendmail script got stuck in a
while loop because a failure of argument processing with the command
Then i looked at /usr/bin/getopt an saw the following:
# ls -al /usr/bin/getopt*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 0 Jan 22 1999 /usr/bin/getopt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 1314 Aug 25 2000 /usr/bin/getopts
Somehow during the upgrade the /usr/bin/getopt command got lost. The upgrade
logfiles (/var/adm/smlogs) showed nothing about getopt being overwritten or
something. I can't recall at which upgrade step the problem was introduced.
Am i the only one who is suffering from this ? What might have happened here
Maurice Steyvers, ICTS, Universiteit Maastricht
phone :(++ 31 43) 388 23 49
Fax :(++ 31 43) 361 42 87
Received on Wed Mar 14 2001 - 11:23:50 NZDT