SUMMARY: Big problem to restore the system disk after a crash

From: Daniel Clar <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 16:56:19 +0100

The original posting was :

> Hello Managers,
> My system disk gave some errors since several days so yesterday I've
> backuped the root partition on another disk and the / and /usr partition
> on a tape with vdump.
> The field service has changed the disk today and I've many problems to
> restore correctly my system on this new disk.
> I've tried many things but the current problem is with disklabel.
> I've booted in single user mode from my backup root partition.
> I've looked at the man page and tried these commands :
> # disklabel -z rz24
> # disklabel -rw rz24 rz24
> But the error message is :
> disklabel: ioctl DIOCSDINFO: open partition would move or shrink
> please use the alternate partition
> If I issue a disklabel -r command, in the last command tehre is
> something about the fact that the values are not correct.
> So how is it possible to restore the correct parameters for this new
> disk and to be able after to restore everything correctly ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Daniel

As usual many answers came very quickly.

Thank you to :

            Arrigo Triulzi <>


disklabel -e rz24c

which uses the 'c' partition instead of the 'a' partition.

       Olle Eriksson <>

Try to use the c-partition, not the a-partition, i. e.

disklabel -rw rz24c

        "Frank Wortner" <>

You cannot change a partition that is currently in use. Make sure that none

of the partitions on that drive are mounted or being used as swap. You
might also have success if you use the "c" partition instead of the implicit

"a" partition the disklabel command normally uses.

    disklabel -rw /dev/rz24c rz24

If that does not work, boot a Tru64 install CD. Early in the install
process -- before any writing is done -- the install software gives you a
choice which includes dropping into a root shell. Take it. Now create the
appropriate device and label it:

    cd /dev
    ./MAKEDEV rz24
    disklabel -z rz24
    disklabel -rw rz24 rz24

Now reboot from your backup root and restore your files.

Good luck!

I have a procedure which may help you out. This has been used extensively
by us for Dunix V4 systems. Good luck.

-----This is a pdf document----------------

       "Alan C. Davis" <>

TITLE: Repartitioning for v4.0 upgrade
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1994. All rights reserved.

OP/SYS: Tru64 UNIX for AXP Versions 3.0 - 4.0G

SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation......

Now the disklabel is OK and I'm able to run everything from my backup root.

Thanks once more.

Received on Thu Mar 15 2001 - 15:55:16 NZDT

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