SUMMARY: AlphaServer 40 and Unix Versions

From: Aldridge, Robert E. \(Rob\) <"Aldridge,>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 17:00:30 -0600

Tru64 Unix Managers:

I've received numerous responses to my questions, and I thank you.

Here's a summary of comments regarding the ES40 and the Tru64 operating
system version:

- ...ES40 can run any version up to the latest V5.1 patch kit 2

- ...I would use 5.1 patch kit 2. this seems to be a real stable platform

- ...V4.0F and G also supports the ES40, but not the full function cluster
software, which was the main purpose of having the V5 release.

- "Although you could go back and run an older version of Tru64 UNIX, your
new systems will come with V5.1 installed at the factory, which is the
latest version, and that's what you should be running. You could get V4.0G
to run on them, and maybe even V4.0F, but you really don't want to do that."

- ...I believe they should ship with V5.1. We support them in the OS back
as far as V4.0F, but 5.1 is current. 5.1A is in field test.

- ...Unless they were ordered specifically with a different OS version, the
ES40 systems should come with v5.1 and Trucluster v5.1.

- ...If you are doing a memory channel cluster, you want Tru64 Version 5.1.

- ...You will probably need at least 4.0G and probably more likely want to
go with V5.0 or 5.1
depending on your configuration. With the equipment you mentioned I would go
with V5.0 or later...

- ...For "legacy" application support: V4.0F is the earliest and V4.0G will
be the best supported...

- ...If you have to install a 4.X version, you want 4.0G. It's the last of
the V4s and the one we'll be supporting for a long time to come.

- ...If you want to use the memory channel cluster on previous versions, you
need the TruCluster Production Server product to take advantage of this. As
I recall, it is not nearly so feature rich as TruCluster Server on version

Web sites referred:

* - "everything you need to know is there."



* - "most complete collection of Alpha resources on the

* -
"guides and manpages"

* - "freeware
and OSIS kits"

* -
"Software Product Description includes what hardware that version supports"



* (this list!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Aldridge, Robert E. (Rob) []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 2:02 PM
To: ''
Subject: AlphaServer 40 and Unix Versions
Importance: Low

Now that we just ordered our first Tru64 AlphaServer systems, we have
questions while waiting for the boxes to arrive!

What versions of Tru64 would be supported on two AlphaServer ES40 systems?
The systems are connected in a cluster with the CCMAB memory channel and
share a StorageWorks SAN (fibre channel hub with HSG60 controllers).

If this is readily-available information, I'd welcome a link to the relevant
web page.


R. Aldridge
AT&T Solutions / at McDermott Technology
Received on Thu Mar 15 2001 - 23:07:03 NZDT

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