DUV4.0D & TCR 1.5 rolling upgrade to T64V4.0G & TCR 1.6

From: Randy Rodgers <randy.rodgers_at_ci.ft-wayne.in.us>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:27:18 -0500


We are preparing to perform a rolling upgrade of a cluster from DU
V4.0D with TCR 1.5 to T64 V4.0G with TCR 1.6.

The TCR 1.6 Installation manual states that when returning a member
to it's ASE during a rolling upgrade we should:

1. Run the asemgr utility on an existing ASE member system and add
the upgraded system to the ASE.

2. If the upgraded member's name was removed from the member list in
any ASE service's automatic service (ASP) policy when you deleted the
system from the ASE, use the asemgr utility to stop the ASE service
and add the member back to the ASP policy member list.

The TCR 1.6 Administration manual shows that it is possible to modify
the ASP without interrupting its availability.

My question is...do I really have to stop the ASE service as stated
in the Installation manual when adding the member system into the
service's ASP member list.

[ Randy Rodgers
[ randy.rodgers_at_ci.ft-wayne.in.us
[ Senior Systems Programmer
[ Allen County/City of Fort Wayne
[ Information Systems
[ (219)427-5727
Received on Fri Mar 16 2001 - 14:39:25 NZDT

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